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Peer reviewers are charged with providing feedback to IJOLARES: Indonesian Journal of Law Research editors about the merits of submissions in terms of quality and contribution to the field. Reviewers are expected to write reviews in a timely, collegial, and constructive manner. Thanks to reviewers with a high level of expertise and an ability to be objective, fair, and insightful in their evaluation of manuscripts, will maintaining IJOLARES: Indonesian Journal of Law Research as the best in term of scientific quality.
IJOLARES: Indonesian Journal of Law Research is looking for researchers interested in helping on our volunteer Advisory Board.
If you are interested, please fill out this Application Form Google Form Reviewer and Editor
We will respond to your inquiry shortly.
Reviewer Application Form
I am pleased to join the "IJOLARES: Indonesian Journal of Law Research " team of reviewers. I attest that I will respect the following conditions:
1. I should not accept to review a manuscript if:
A personal or financial conflict of interest exists.
I feel I cannot give an impartial and objective review, free from professional or personal bias.
2. If I have questions regarding a potential conflict of interest, I have to contact the Editor in Chief, and he will decide whether it is appropriate to review the manuscript3. There are occasions where a reviewer may be unable to complete his / her review within the allotted time due to unforeseen circumstances. In this case, I must contact the editor immediately so that arrangements can be made for the review to be completed in a timely fashion.
3. This contract can be ended written notice by either "IJOLARES: Indonesian Journal of Law Research" or "The Reviewer" without pointing out any specific reason.
Any questions, please contact: ijolares@gmail.com
Editor in Chief
Dr. I Made Adi Widnyana, S.H., M.H.
Phone : 085237832582
Published by:
CV Tirta Pustaka Press
Address : Jl. Pandu No. 48, Sumerta Kelod, Denpasar City, Bali 80239
Email : tirtapustakapress@gmail.com
Phone/Telp: +62 852-3783-2582
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